Program Management Office

Over the last decade, the discipline of Project Management has being maturing in professionalism and profile. Overwhelmingly, companies are spending more on projects which increase the importance of a solid Project Management Office. Most organizations are unsure how a PMO should be structured resulting in unsuccessful attempts to establish PMOs or PMOs that are marginal and ineffectual.

Reliance believes that one-size does not fit all. A PMO must be tailor-made for an organization, given your desired outcomes, demands, and needs. "What" a PMO should be involved in and "how" it should be involved depends on many variables which must be analyzed up-front.

Reliance can help with the following.

  • Aligning IT portfolios with your strategic business objectives
  • Establishing an effective governance over a project portfolio
  • Customize, implement, and institutionalize a portfolio management process that will work for your organization
  • Establishing a PMO that will help rather than hinder project execution
  • Developing a process to evaluate the inherent value-and risk-of projects in the portfolio
  • Determine how to make trade-offs between several desirable opportunities when faced with insufficient resources to accomplish them all
  • How to apply good sense in managing the day-to-day details of the portfolio
  • What can be done to reduce the negative impacts of organizational politics
  • Defining and building IT portfolio management systems

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